AROS ABIv11 20220318-1 - 2022-03-20
AROS ABIv11 20220318-1 changes:
Breaking changes:
Align size of struct MsgPort with SMP builds. (deadwood)
Note that this change impact structures that embed struct MsgPort
in them, for example struct Process. Impact on applications depend
on whether they access fields of impact structures. Test of
currently available applications indicate they are not impacted.
Don't go into infinite crash loop on critical error (deadwood)
Unit test extended to allow easy compilation for AmigaOS (deadwood)
Freeze 32-bit time structures where possible (deadwood)
Design and documentation of 64-bit time support (deadwood)
Prioritize 64-bit addreess memory over 32-bit (deadwood)
64-bit support:
Fix in NList (deadwood)
Allow loading of executables compiled in small code model (deadwood)
AROS Build System (deadwood)
Add patchelf command (deadwood)
C library (bugs: #52, crash at expunge) (deadwood)
muimaster.library (bugs: #51, #53, #62) (deadwood)
debug-handler (deadwood)
reqtools.library (bugs: #50) (deadwood)
p96gfx.hidd (bugs: switch match to gfx card mode) (deadwood)
webp.datatype (bugs: crash when using Multiview) (deadwood)
png.datatype (bugs: wrong rendering of png icons) (deadwood)
intuition.library (bugs: wrong compilation for SMP build) (deadwood)
StackSnoop (deadwood)
dos.library (bugs: #60) (deadwood)
utility.library (bugs: #63) (deadwood)
debug.library (bugs: wrong adresses in 64-bit mode) (deadwood)